
Forest Park Preparatory School provides an excellent educational start for your child. It is a unique school underpinned by core values that support the development of every child. We create an environment that inspires all our pupils and gives them the confidence and enthusiasm to achieve and succeed.

Situated within a private and secluded site in the leafy suburb of Sale, Greater Manchester, our pupils benefit from feeling that their school is a home-from-home. Our broad and balanced curriculum includes a full programme of activities in sport, computing, languages, music and drama. Our commitment to excellence in teaching encourages children to have high expectations of themselves, striving to reach their potential.

Forest Park Preparatory School is located near to many exceptional grammar schools. We are dedicated to ensuring our children succeed with their 11+ examinations, without undue pressure. Last year, every Year 6 child achieved success and left our school as well motivated, confident individuals (89% continued education within the grammar school setting).

We understand that every child is unique and Forest Park is a school that values the individualism of your child, leaving no stone unturned in finding a pathway to success and happiness. With a teacher and a teaching assistant in every class up to Year 4, we can ensure that learning is completely tailored to their interests and needs. Our team of specialist teachers, introduced to our pupils from their very first days in Pre Prep, ignite our pupils’ passions for their respective subjects; from science to swimming, languages to computing, our boys and girls enjoy learning from teachers who are experts in their fields.

As a one-form entry school, with small class sizes, our families enjoy strong relationships with all members of our community. These relationships allow us to understand how best to meet your child’s needs.

Parents choose Forest Park Preparatory School because they want their children to be happy and to develop in a dynamic and challenging, yet caring, environment. Anyone who has spent time at our very special school will understand that it has a magical quality that stays with you for life.