Pre Prep Curriculum

Autumn: Term One

All About Me

Communication and Language
Group games learning peers’ names. Talk about healthy fruit and veg, hygiene and golden rules.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Settling in. Rules & routines. Socialising & friendships. Feelings. Talk about smiling and what makes you smile.

Physical Development
Gross motor skills – chalk, drawing and painting. P.E planning with specialist teachers. Fine motor activities – dough gym.

Phase 1 Environmental Sounds. Can you find your name card and write your name?

Finger rhymes using numbers. Counting to 20. 2D shapes. Recognising numbers.

Understanding the World
Use mirrors to describe facial features. Body parts. Tasting session of healthy fruit and veg (science). Buddies weekly activity.

Expressive Arts and Design
Rhyme time. Portraits & fingerprinting. Handprints in clay. Mehndi handprints. Listening headbands.

Autumn: Term Two

Around the world. Farm trip – Smithhills.

Communication and Language
Learning parts for the play. Diwali & discussion. Safety of Bonfire night. Remembrance Sunday.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Safety of Bonfire night. Remembrance Sunday.

Physical Development
Different tools – hole puncher, scissors. Cutting skills & malleable play.

Phase 1 Instrumental Sounds. Repeated refrains. Writing skills.

Matching number and quantity. Different heights. Estimating.

Understanding the World
Understanding festivals around the world. Advent calendars. Nativity.

Expressive Arts and Design
Bonfire & fireworks. Christmas crafts & cards. Extra craft weekly with REC/YR1.

Spring: Term One

People who help us. Buddy trip – Knowsley safari park.

Communication and Language
Talking about people’s jobs. Listening and following instructions.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Who helps keeps them safe. Friendship. Being helpful. Manners PSE – Extra weekly.

Physical Development
Threading. Pencil control. Moving in a variety of ways.

Phase 1 Body percussion. Pencil control. Writing skills.

Pouring skills. Capacity. Recap autumn term. Assessments.

Understanding the World
Chinese New Year. Different occupations. Safety.

Expressive Arts and Design
Action songs. Role play. Craft signs. Making dens.

Spring: Term Two


Communication and Language
Discussing senses. Senses books. Describing sounds. Handa’s surprise

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Sharing. Kindness. Feely box. What makes us special.

Physical Development
Tweezers. Cutting, throwing and catching.

Phase 1 Rhythm and Rhyme.

Sequencing. Grouping.

Understanding the World
The natural environment. Understanding the 5 senses. Science/craft – senses.

Expressive Arts and Design
Messy play. Different textures and materials. Science/craft – senses.

Summer: Term One

Farm – Mrs Pawson and her animals, from eggs to chicks.

Communication and Language
Asking questions. New vocabulary. Discuss all about the farm.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Needs of animals. Working in groups.

Physical Development
Making pens, using rakes and brushes. Roleplay – the farm. Balancing. Writing skills.

Phase 1 Alliteration.

Patterns. Positional language. Assessments.

Understanding the World
Eid. Growth. Animal needs (SCIENCE). Buddies/PP. Life cycle of chicks/ watch them grow.

Expressive Arts and Design
Junk modelling. Large planks and blocks. Animal masks.

Summer: Term Two

Day/Night. Opposites.

Communication and Language
Discuss opposites: hot/cold, loud/quiet, dark/light.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Dress to express – Diversity week. Transition to Reception. Rewards. Feelings – worried or scared.

Physical Development
Sports day. PE – large/small balls, small/large steps.

Phase 1 Voice Sounds/ Oral blending and segmenting.

Repeated patterns. Addition. Grouping.

Understanding the World
Experiments. Floating and sinking. Magnifying glasses (SCIENCE). Opposites/ experiments.

Expressive Arts and Design
Activities using hot and cold colours. Nursery rhymes.