Pastoral Care

It is the right of every child to feel happy and secure. During the school’s last inspection, inspectors commented that ‘pastoral care of pupils is excellent, fostering their personal development and academic achievement extremely well. It therefore fulfils the aim of the school to provide a warm, welcoming, safe and secure environment for all pupils.’

The school and its staff promote pupils’ self confidence through support, praise and encouragement. Academic and non-academic achievements are recognised and celebrated.

Social Development

Standards of behaviour and discipline are exceptional and pupils are polite and respectful to each other, staff and visitors.

Inspectors commented that ‘pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent. Pupils show a well-developed spiritual awareness.’

Bullying in any form is not tolerated, and there is a clear Anti-Bullying Policy in school with procedures made clear to children, parents and staff.


Making friendships is an important skill, and at Forest Park Preparatory School we want our children to be happy and feel valued, by showing respect and empathy towards each other.

We foster generosity, humility and kindness in our children. This is promoted through a whole-school buddy system for all pupils – and when new children join us in the Pre Prep and Reception classes, each child is allocated a Year 5 or Year 6 pupil to help them integrate into school life.