Reception Curriculum

Autumn: Term One

Houses & Homes

Communication and Language
Developing group & peer talk circle games Talking about likes dislikes, family & homes Story time

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Settling in Rules & routines Socialising & friendships – what makes a good friend & talk partner

Physical Development
Gross motor see P.E planning specialist teachers Fine motor enhancements name writing

Read Write Inc. Assessments Speed sounds set 1 + word time 1:1 readers mark making

White Rose units: Getting to know you Just like me

Understanding the World
Comparing & contrasting families & homes Autumn watch Montessori birthday celebration of life – on chn birthdays Black History month

Expressive Arts and Design
Portraits Colour mixing Autumn painting Andy Goldsworthy

Autumn: Term Two

Winter Farm Trip – Smithhills

Communication and Language
Learning parts for the play Stage voices Celebrations Talk partners Gingerbread man

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Zones of regulation Making good choices Expressing feelings Respecting differences

Physical Development
Threading & stitching Cutting skills malleable play

Speed sounds Set 1 + word time 1:1 readers Simple sentences Review / assess

It’s me 1, 2, 3! Light & Dark

Understanding the World
Diwali 24th Oct Seasons & weather Gunpowder plot Advent calendars Nativity

Expressive Arts and Design
Clay Diva Bonfire & fireworks Wassily Kandinsky Christmas crafts & cards

Spring: Term One

Magic *DanTastic Experience

Communication and Language
Talking about their work Creative communication e.g. mixing potions, spells etc. retelling stories Comprehension

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Growth mindset Feelings topic books Children’s mental health week

Physical Development
stencils & paint movement pencil control

Review Set 1 / Ditties / HA might begin Set 2 + word time Simple sentences Hold a sentences Ditty books -RWI

Alive in 5! Growing 6, 7, 8

Understanding the World
Chinese New year Castles around the world + past & present The natural environment

Expressive Arts and Design
Potion mixing Witches & Wizards Magic Wands Castles, Knights & Dragons Role play fictional tales

Spring: Term Two

Safari Knowsley Safari Park trip with Y1

Communication and Language
Role playing safari narrating scenes Elmer Handa’s surprise

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Sharing Kindness

Physical Development
Tweezers Cutting balance tools

Set 2 Speed sounds Sentences Guided reading

Building 9 & 10 Consolidation

Understanding the World
Different environments Globes & maps Safari animals

Expressive Arts and Design
Animal prints & patterns Sunset watercolours

Summer: Term One

Space Jodrell bank Y1?

Communication and Language
Asking questions New vocabulary Poems & mnemonics

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
What makes us special positive affirmations

Physical Development
Gardening tools Small tools accuracy when drawing

Set 2 Speed sounds review or begin Set 3 Speed sounds Guided reading Assess

To 20 & beyond First, then, now

Understanding the World
Eid Earth Day The solar system Space travel Inventions

Expressive Arts and Design
Jet packs & rockets Marbling planets

Summer: Term Two

Recycling / the environment Arley Hall school garden competition – buddy with Y2?

Communication and Language
Sharing & discussing ideas Grouping & labelling

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Dress to express – Diversity week Transition to Year 1 Achievements Goals

Physical Development
Handwriting Sports day

Review, teach, assess writing focus Guided reading

Find my pattern On the move

Understanding the World
The 3R’s – reduce, reuse recycle Plastic pollution Eco warriors Sustainable choices

Expressive Arts and Design
Reuse art project