‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Posted: 31st January 2025

Headteacher Blog – 15 Dec 2024

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the school,

Not a single child was silent, no matter the rule.

The children were full of excitement and magic;

The Forest Park nativity was a true classic!


The teachers were proud and reduced to tears,

They just settled down to work with their dears,

When out on the playground there arose such a clatter,

Up sprung the kids to see what was the matter!


Rushing to the door they went like a flash;

The one who was leading went down with a crash.

Then what they saw soon made them laugh,

As it was a beautiful train and nine members of staff.


With a smartly dressed driver, a familiar mucker,

They knew at that moment it must be Mr Tucker.

Slowly, but surely, towards the school they came,

Mr T. whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.


“Now, Richardson! Now, Taylor! Now, Dauncey and Florin!

On, Pawson and Hewitt! On, Moores! On, Crane and Lynn!

To the top of the school house they went with a zoom,

All the way to the top and into the staffroom!


As leaves before the wild hurricane fly,

The aghast children all started scurrying by.

They ran to the library and skipped down the aisle;

Their faces were shining and each had a smile.


And then, in a twinkling, they heard above,

The chatter and talk of learning; a teacher’s truelove.

As they drew in their heads and were turning around,

Down the stairs Mr Tucker came with a bound.


He was dressed in school colours of red ‘n green,

The children huddled away, trying not to be seen.

Quietly, all of the teachers followed and descended,

Into each classroom their chatter extended.


He sprang to his train, to his team he gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,

“Happy Christmas to all, and all a good-night!”


Best wishes to all Forest Park families this Christmas!


Nick Tucker

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